Promotion Roulette

A continuing theme in business is that good technicians get promoted on their technical not management abilities - losing a good technician and gaining a lousy manager!

So, in the absence of coaching or training - how do you, the new leader, cope?

Leadership is a lonely place. Once a friend and part of a team you are now in charge.

You are beset by a host of new challenges, always in meetings, on projects and at everyone's beck and call. You take 'busy'-ness to new heights - but how effective have you become?

What became of that brilliant client handler, excellent trader or talented lawyer?

What impact are you having on the people around you?

So often leaders assume the persona they feel is expected of them - not who they truly are.

Maybe it's time to step back and take a hard look at yourself. Understand your strengths and values. What are you good at and what do you enjoy? Know your weaknesses and be clever at delegating. Learn how to coach and empower your team and focus on those skills that are unique to you.

Use your time to best advantage. "Prioritise. A. B. C. - discard C".

People who focus on their strengths are generally effective, enjoy their work and deliver great results. A win-win for both the organisation and the individual.


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